Facebook: Philip Wilson

Party Packages Starting at $800.00 (Additional Fees may apply)

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Based on a (4hr) time frame starting price is $800.00 for a "DJ Only" add an MC/CM the price starts at $1,600.00

Additional Fees and Charges

Travel Expense - $100.00 per person one hour outside base (Richmond, CA)

Parking Expense - Price may vary due to time and location

Set-up time included

Equipment - Extra audio system $250.00 to $400.00 
Extra speaker - $50.00 to $100.00
Extra microphones - $50.00 to $75.00

Outside of State - Client will pay for travel and room accomadations (price may vary)

Consultations - $75.00 per meeting (first meeting is free)

Overtime rate - $100.00 per person after contract time has ended

Vendors that need to plug into DJ's system - $50.00 - $75.00

Up - Lighting - Call for pricing

Payment Options:

You can also pay by credit card (Visa, or Master Card)  go to "Booking Your Event" click on "Home" at the bottom of the page, scroll down the menu and click on "Payment Gateway"